藝術家透過地圖式的創作,建立一個「地質層」,在新冠疫情影響之下,邱杰森利用特殊材質以「動態編成有機質地」的概念進行創作,試圖建構出藝術家視野下的世界觀。 For his residency works, Chiu Chieh-Sen creates geological strata pushing forward his map influenced creation. Under the influence of the ongoing pandemic, he weaved dynamic elements into an organic texture using a particular material in an attempt to construct a world view from the artist's perspective. ─── ───
■ 藝術家 Artist/邱杰森 CHIU Chieh-Sen ■ 展期 Exhibition Period/12.4(Sat.) - 12/19(Sun.) ■ 時間 Time/11:00 -18:00 (週一休園 Closed on Monday) ■ 地點 Venue/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village 十字藝廊 Cross Gallery
