The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Taiwan in 2021 brought collective panic to the society and impacted economic activities in daily life in Taipei’s Chengbei area. During those days, the media coverage reported suspected positive cases based on h
earsay, social media overflowed with speculation of transmission route, and rumors of the city’s lockdown led to panic-buying and hoarding of commodities. The business district lost its popularity to this frenzied situation, forming a sharp contrast with the streets that used to be crowded and noisy. With the implementation of prevention measures, social distancing has repositioned the relationship between people. The Zero-contact economy has spurred the development of technological application demand and service innovation. The post-pandemic era has forced us to face drastic changes in the lifestyle that we were accustomed to, constantly stimulating evolution in business operations. The pandemic’s new norm has become a model for us to learn to live symbiotically.
The curatorial theme of “Epidemic Distance” aims to present artists’ observation of the impact of the pandemic on the daily life of Chengbei, reflecting the adjustment and transformation of neighborhood business, community ecology, and personal physical and mental status under the effects of preventive distancing. Artists conducted field research in Zhongshan and Shuanglian and interviewed various businesses — including Nanxi Commercial district, lodging operators, niche shops on Chifeng Street, and Shuanglian Market — to understand their hardships and struggles. They also listened to the chiefs of sub-districts sharing their toils at the local level, who had put aside their scruples of the risk of getting infected to soothe anxious people and devote to public affairs, including supporting the minorities, distributing epidemic prevention materials, and preparing name list for vaccine injection. During the pandemic, the interference of man-made factors has been reduced, offering the ecology of the community’s open space a chance to breathe and repair. Hence, the clear water and swimming fish once again visited the stone masonry ditch of Miyamaecho. In addition, the pandemic also unexpectedly slowed down the pace of urban lifestyle, allowing us to compose ourselves to examine the management of close relationships and come again to think about the essence of life.
Exhibited works ''Inter-terra'' by Chieh-sen Chiu
“Any description of the world is based on geography. Therefore, it involves the concept of expression.” ── Nicolas Borriaud The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the exchange of the world. CHIU Chieh-Sen takes Chengbei, the corridor of the city, as inspiration and proposes a solution to relieve the public’s desire to go abroad. As a stand-in for the actual field, the map is an essential medium for knowing a place. CHIU sets up his works in the city’s hallways and public spaces in department stores. Department store represents modern commerce. It provides imported products from all over the world to the lives of every citizen, creates cultural exchanges, and forms an emotional ground. Inter-terra establishes a worldview through paper maps in which an abstract network is constructed from aesthetics. Therefore, it presents a corner of Taipei City and includes Taipei City in the universe, which is infinitely expanding and connecting like a neural network.
「任何關於世界的描述,都是基於地理。涉及表現方式的概念。」── Nicolas Borriaud
│ 作品設置地點與開放時間 │
新光三越南西店一館光之舞廣場(中山區南京西路12號 )
開放時間:11:00 – 21:30
