「A Home of One's Own 讓更多人擁有屬於自己的地方的城市探索。」- Hashi Mohamed。以行李箱組成的「家屋」,象徵每位新住民遠離家鄉移居臺灣的心境感受,「家屋」外頭Led燈條構成12個行政區輪廓,形成強烈地家在臺北的意象。
A Home of One‘s Own
Artist:Margot Guillemot & Chieh-Sen Chiu
"A Home of One's Own is an exploration of the ways we can remove barriers, improve equality and create cities where more people have a place to call their own." - Hashi Mohamed.This work, "A Home of One‘s Own," is made up of suitcases, symbolizing the feelings of each new immigrant who leaves his or her home country and moves to Taiwan. The LED light strips on the outside of the artwork form the outlines of the city’s 12 administrative districts, creating a strong image of home in Taipei.
