Transcodage : Art Surveying Techniques of Maps
地圖承載了人類對於世界化約成圖的觀點與洞見,但再精確詳實的地圖都擺脫 不了「界」的框架,人們根本無法繪製出一張無界的地圖。世界去域化似乎是新秩序的所在,但疆界並未因此消除,只是以新的模式或技術重設疆域。
地圖是有限範圍的人造擬仿物,領土的替身滿佈限制與障礙,藝術家幫助地圖逃離 一個充滿界的世界?
藝術家在創作領域上運用獨到視野重製地圖,輔 以當前科技力建立無疆域的新蓋婭世界。
Maps show us a version of the world reduced into an image. But no matter how precise our perception, and detailed our concept, a map cannot escape from boundaries: indeed, a map cannot be drawn without them. De-territorialization seems to be the place where there is a new order, but boundaries have not been removed only recreated, with new models and technologies producing different borders.
Maps are imitations constructed with our limitations, they become simulated territories full of restrictions and obstacles. Can artists use the map to challenge such boundaries?
This exhibition uses as a title a quote from Gilles Deleuze's book "A Thousand Plateaux," where he unravels the mechanisms of geographic territorialization. In the exhibition, we have invited artists to use their perspective to reimagine mapping supplemented by technologies in order to recreate Gaia’s world without boundaries.
more information on Facebook and Google map
Artists and Curators
藝術家 Artists
蔡國傑 Guo-Jie CAI、莊立豪 Li-Hao CHUANG、梁廷毓 Ting-Yu LIANG、吳育霈+朱淇宏 Yu-Pei WU+Chi- hong CHU、莫珊嵐 Margot GUILLEMOT、
洪聖雄 Sheng-Hsiung HUNG、超限游擊 Overrun Guerrilla Act.、吳瑋庭 Wei-Ting WU、Dorian BAUER、Armelle CARON、Duncan MOUNTFORD、
Leonor SCAVINO、石玩玩 Wanwan SHI、陳建泯 Kian Ming TAN、陳燕平 Yen Peng TAN
參展單位 Exhibitors
財團法人國家實驗研究院國家太空中心 National Space Organization、宇騫數位科技有限公司 iSynReal Digital Technology Co., Ltd

CHIU Chieh-sen
策展人 | 邱杰森

TSAI Shih-Wei
策展人 | 蔡士瑋

CHIU Chih-wei
展務總監| 丘智偉
指導單位|文化部 主辦單位|臺灣當代文化實驗場 本案獲空總臺灣當代文化實驗場「2020 C-LAB 年度策展計畫」補助支持
展覽介紹影片 Exhibition Video
Complex and diverse, overlapping files, gameplay
Reverse, technology, border
Recognition, life and death, future