Margot Guillemot 莫珊嵐
An Attempt at Exhausting Civic Boulevard (Taipei, Taiwan)
途境 | 市民大道
Ink on paper; 54X34cm x 4 pieces
Begun in 2014, the Attempts at exhausting a place series questions how we read the cityscape through Google Street-View. As we sit in front of the computer, a fragmented space is revealed by the light of the screen while the sliding of the mouse replaces our own movement. In the work, the movement of time reappears - similarly as time passes when reading a comic - through the arrangement of the script prepared by Google drawn into the map used in this series. Here, the map appears as open windows, multiple perspectives, to simulate the movement, as well in time as in space.
墨; 54X34cm x 4 件
《途境》系列作品自2014年發展至今已進入第三系列 ,第一系列發表於法國蒙彼利埃當代藝術中心,第二系列《途徑—桃園》曾於國立臺灣美術館、桃園众藝術空間展出。創作理念源自於Google街景所帶來的新人類地景閱讀方法,從發光的螢幕上呈現的是移動性的空間碎片,當我們在電腦前觀看地景時,人的「移動」被滑鼠取代,同時也具有了時間性的移動,此移動觀點與時間的推移,像極了漫畫的翻閱過程,經歷了整個編排好的圖像書(Google劇本),而次創作系列所採用的「地理圖」彷彿建構了我們觀看的視窗,並推移了時間的進程。
Margot Guillemot